Intro to Roller Derby Registration is currently closed!
You can find the boot camp registration here in the future.

What is Intro to Roller Derby?
GMRD’s Rookie practices focus on teaching new and intermediate level skaters the basics of roller skating, derby skills, and endurance. Practices are led by tenured GMRD skaters. At the end of Intro to Roller Derby, GMRD Rookies will have their skills assessed to determine if they’re ready to advance into learning additional skills at GMRD League Practices.
Once passing basic skills assessments, Rookies will be invited to become a full member of GMRD League. This is when you begin attending league practices and meetings, you can be assigned a league job and participate in GMRD group activities and community events. After passing advanced assessments, you are eligible to skate in league scrimmages and games.
If you’ve been wanting to try roller derby or just wondering what we are all about, there’s no better time to start than right now! Check out our calendar for other practice dates and become part of something unique.
Questions about joining?
See the Q+A, or you can email and we will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have.
Rookie FAQs
How do I get to roller derby practice? Directions to the Champlain Valley Expo
Where do I park when I get to the Champlain Valley Expo? View map for parking and practice locations.